As instant karma, we pick up Nile's sound guy at a service station in the middle of the night, en route to the next show in Columbia Heights. He'd been forgotten by the Egypto Yanks as they'd gotten out for some nosh. Just drove off without him. He's pretty chilled about it though and spends the night with us on the RV. We make him up a bed for the night and share some beer with him. For once it's an easy night, we just sit around and watch a couple of horror films that John has bought.
Monday, October 29, 2012
The Mid West
I don't remember much about the city of
Omaha because we didn't get to see anything of it. I remember the
club being a small, square room and the stage being low. It looked
like a school assembly hall. We were in a suburb somewhere on the
outskirts of the city. Outside there was nothing but a small parking
lot and streets lined with houses. It was dark by the time we'd
finished load in. For the most part we hung out by the merch tables
that were lined up down one side of the hall. After another wild
night we were once again feeling a little subdued. It was by now a
familiar pattern. Hangover. Play show. Drink. Hangover. Play
show. Drink. Hangover...
As instant karma, we pick up Nile's sound guy at a service station in the middle of the night, en route to the next show in Columbia Heights. He'd been forgotten by the Egypto Yanks as they'd gotten out for some nosh. Just drove off without him. He's pretty chilled about it though and spends the night with us on the RV. We make him up a bed for the night and share some beer with him. For once it's an easy night, we just sit around and watch a couple of horror films that John has bought.
Chris, Soilent Green's road manager,
asked us if we would like to contribute a song to an Eyehategod
tribute album he was putting together. We told him we'd be honoured
and after some discussion we decided we'd do 30$
Bag. There
were going to be a lot of decent bands on the album and I have to
admit, being asked to be involved gave me a buzz. Not only because
I'm really into Eyehategod, but because it would piss off a lot of
the snobs in the UK underground scene who we'd taken shit from over
the years. People who'd given us shit for apparently being nothing
but an Iron Monkey/Eyehategod rip off band. It's a long, silly story
to be honest. Of course these bands influenced us in the beginning
but then who has ever started a band that hasn't been influenced by
someone else? That's the whole fucking reason you start a band,
because someone or something else inspires you! Funny thing is,
Brian from SG/EHG told me that when Eyehategod started out they got a
lot of shit for being a Melvins rip-off. Anyway, to say I was
chuffed that we were asked by Chris and Brian to record a song on the
album would be an understatement. To top things off, we decided that
we'd actually get the cover together whilst on this tour and Brian
would play it with us. All of a sudden, the sombre mood that had
been hanging over the van like a bad fart all day had dispersed.
had a good show in Omaha too, at least by this tour's standards.
Nobody booed us off the stage or spat at us, which made it a fuck
sight better than the show in Denver the night before. Actually, the
small crowd that was in the building when we played was receptive,
even getting into a mosh now and again. We all had a good time
blasting through the by now trimmed down twenty minute set.
amazing how a gig can eradicate all signs of a hangover, leaving you
instead with a sense of revived vitality and a thirst for beer. Just
a half hour before, I'd been tuning my guitar feeling pretty ropey,
just concentrating on getting through the set and getting the fuck
out of there. Now, gear packed down and van loaded, I felt great
again. We all did. We were more than in the mood to drink a few
brews and watch the rest of the bands. We hung out with Chris and
watched Soilent slay the place as per usual, sharing a bottle of
whiskey with him that had arrived from Christ knows where. By the
time Hypocrisy came on stage we were all pretty boats again, in true
keeping with the pattern.
wasn't a big fan of Hypocrisy before this tour, but playing every
night with a band for a few weeks can change that. Indeed, they'd
been nothing more than a source of amusement to us at the start of
this run. They had this huge hairy bloke on guitar who looked like a
lion and then the singer Pete would do this cheesy move where he'd
simulate blowing his brains out with his hand in the shape of a gun
during a certain song. Me and Jay thought it was funny as fuck when
we first watched them but by now we'd been genuinely converted. They
turned out to be really good guys as well, and that always helps. So
me, Jay and Gords were in the crowd, pissed as farts singing along to
Hypocrisy when Tommy from Soilent Green comes up to us, “Some dude
just pulled a knife on your bass player!”
follow Tommy out to the car park into the midst of a full on
commotion, with Daz right in the middle of it, looking pissed and
sheepish. Chris, Brian and John have this longed haired guy circled.
Apparently he'd found his girlfriend messing around on our RV with
Daz. To be fair, Daz had no idea that this girl was with somebody
else, he'd just been approached by her and went along with it. The
boyfriend then shows up and Daz being drunk, tells him to get to
fuck. Obviously the boyfriend takes offence to this and a scuffle
ensues. It spills out into the car park and quickly gets broken up
by John and Chris who just happened to be around. They're trying to
settle the guy down when he sneakily pulls a knife from his jacket,
although a split second later, before he can do any real danger with
it, John has spotted it and disarmed him. Of course, then Daz starts
mouthing off over the protective barrier that is John and Chris and
things flare up again...
after we arrive it's all settled down. John orders Daz to piss off
from the scene and then takes the upset boyfriend and sits him down
on some steps off to the side of the car park. The thing is, Gords
and I are both a bit pissed and I take it upon myself to give the guy
a lecture on how bullshit pulling a knife on someone is. He looks
genuinely remorseful and I then start to feel a bit bad for him. He
must have been fucking gutted to find his girlfriend snogging Daz.
The poor bastard then starts telling us that we're actually one of
his favourite bands! Jesus fucking Christ, we've done nothing but
fight with the crowds on this tour, taken bucket loads of abuse from
thick as shit metal heads the whole time and then one of the rare
people we come across that is into the band ends up pulling a knife
on us. You couldn't fucking make it up..
irony of that really puts water on the previously heated situation,
and we just kind of stand there nodding at each other. Of course,
it's now that Gords thinks it would be hilarious to bend over and
fart in the guys face... I do my best not to piss myself laughing but
fail quite miserably. Even John is smirking. The Boyfriend isn't
though. What a bunch of cunts we really are sometimes.
guy is furious and we all end up shouting at each other again. Fuck
sakes Gords.. There is no backing him down now though and John is
left with no option that to make it clear to him that he has to
leave, that he's got no chance in his present situation. He fucks
off to his car and we all head back towards the club. Before I know
what's going on though I feel the glare of headlights from behind and
Brian pulls me to out of the way of the guys car. He'd driven
straight at me and Brian, full fucking pelt! Having missed us he
speeds off into the night and we never see him again. It was too
fucking close though.
again the night has taken an unexpected turn.
the time Dutch wants to leave we're all pretty fucked. All except
John, who's pretty wound up over the night's events. He thinks Daz
is out of order for hooking up with that guys girlfriend but I don't
really see it that way. Daz had no idea, and even if he did it's not
his responsibility, it's the girl's. Although I guess Daz didn't
help things in the aftermath of it all. Anyway, fuck it, another
weird night. Dutch has no idea what's happened as we leave the dark
suburb of Omaha and head further east. We're all tucked up in bed
snoring like a drunken orchestra of hogs by the time we hit the
woken by John a little while later, who is nudging me telling me we
have to get out of the van. I realise after a while that we're
pulled over at the side of the road. The Boyfriend had left a little
parting gift for us. He'd knifed one of the tires on the RV and that
tire has now blown out. Dutch is not happy...
all stumble off the van in a drunken haze, some of us wearing only
t-shirts, kecks and shoes. It's fucking freezing and all. John and
Dutch are livid with the situation, and it doesn't help that the rest
of us are fawning around the slashed tire offering pissed up advice
on how to proceed. Eventually the two of them tell us to fuck off
and wait by the side of the road. Hilariously, in our drunken state,
we just waddle off like kids scorned by an angry parent and stand in
a deep ditch by the edge of the dark highway, something we'll later
refer to as “The Trench”, although in reality it's only about a
foot deep. We stand there, shivering and giggling in our kecks
whilst Dutch and John go about fixing the van. They are both really
fucked off by this point. They want us off of the van so as not to
weigh it down when they put it up on the jack, but after a while
Gords decides he's had enough and climbs back aboard and into bed.
Typical Gords! It was that fucker that stoked the fire that got us
into this mess. The rest of us stay in the trench, not daring to
the tire is changed and Dutch continues the journey east, silently,
lividly gripping the steering wheel. I realise it's no idea to try
and talk to him and so I head back to bed. John is more than vocal
about the events though and by now he's lambasting Daz on his
exploits. It's all I can hear as I drift off into sleep.
next day we're in Lawrence, Kansas. I don't really remember a great
deal about it except that it was a quaint, little university city.
The sun was shining and the girls all seemed to be really good
looking. I spent the best part of the afternoon walking around with
Kev and Dutch, looking for a Western Union to transfer some tour
funds into a bank account. Dutch was using the time we had together
to appeal to my leadership status in the band, hoping I would be able
to reign in the boys and their behaviour. Not likely big guy.
show was ok. Nothing spectacular, but considering the venue was
pretty big and there were a lot of people in attendance, we went down
pretty well. I do remember looking at a High on Fire tour poster
that was on the wall of the venue. They were playing here too. I
remember thinking that I wished we were on that tour instead of this
Lawrence we headed to Sauget, Illinois, which I think was just
outside of St. Louis. We'd travelled through the day since Dutch had
made a stop at a highway services so we could do some laundry. It
was a beautiful day and the sky was clear blue. We hung out by the
van for a while, eating crap food and taking in the sun, waiting for
our laundry to be done. There hadn't been any showers at the last
few shows so we were taking advantage of the fact that the service
station had them, although we were all using the same key and taking
turns. Obviously you're supposed to return the key to the lady
behind the counter when you're done with the shower and then the next
person pays to take it out again. We decided not to do that and just
pass the key about between us. There were only two showers at the
station though, so it was pretty obvious what we were up to, but the
old lady either couldn't be bothered with the hassle or just plain
didn't give a piss. I know I wouldn't.
Dutch called time for us to leave, we returned to pick up our
laundry. Amazingly, John had a go at Gords for his laundry still
being wet. Gords had actually taken John's laundry for him, although
John was last in line so his clothes weren't completely dry. Gords
just barked at him, “Take care of your own fucking laundry in the
future!”. Cabin fever...
as much as I love him, was always the guy in the van that waited to
see how everybody else went about their business before acting. He
was a complex character, as were we all in fairness to him. But I
mean, you need John in a fight and he's right there, he'll put his
fucking life on the line for you. And then he's really handy when it
comes to fixing stuff, and he's always willing to help. At the same
time, he couldn't take care of his own laundry.
was one really funny episode when John had confronted us about the
mystery of this big bag of crisps he'd bought that had disappeared.
We were back in the van, heading towards Sauget, watching the box or
something and John appears pinching the skin between his eyes and
sighing in genuine frustration, “Ok, who the fuck has eaten my
crisps?”. Silence ensues, of course. Everyone pleads innocence,
and even when a very pissed off John has gone back to his bunk we're
all looking at each other for answers, although we're all grinning
like naughty school kids. But nobody knows what's happened to his
few days later we'd been looking over some of the footage we'd been
filming and lo and behold we stumble across a scene where the lot of
us, all
of us, are crowded around the bunk area, secretly, furiously eating
John's crisps. We're all fucking steamboats of course. You can hear
on the footage someone say in a panic, “Fuck, John's coming!” as
Gordon is literally punching crisps into his mouth! We all piss
ourselves laughing and it seems that we're all genuine in claiming
that we don't remember the scene. I know I don't. Poor John. We've
all been on the end of shit like that though. That little bastard
Gordon once fried my phone in a microwave, thinking it would be a
right rib tickler. Needless to say, my ribs weren't fucking
tickled... Come to think of it, Gords always seemed to be involved in
any mischief that happens on tour...
the time we get to Sauget, it's grey and raining and the temperature
has dropped considerably. We drive through St. Louis on the way in
and get to see that steel arch thing, “the Gateway to the West”
or whatever it's called. When we arrive at the club it's a fucking
grim scene. The club is in some desolate industrial estate next to
the highway. All there is to see is a large, soggy gravel car park,
the warehouse like club and a sordid strip joint opposite it. It
looks rough as fucking sin. Of course, Jay and a couple of the other
lads are more than up for checking out some tits and happily head
over as soon as we've loaded in. I give it a miss. It's really not
my scene. I think John keeps me company as I man the merch table.
have another ok show, but nothing to really write home about. There
were a few people who seemed to be in to us whilst the vast majority
seemed disinterested at best. Fuck it, it was the norm by this
point. We gave it our all, and anyone in the front of the crowd
giving dirty looks got a guitar swung at their near vicinity.
some reason Lasse had been to the van to borrow a drum stand that
hadn't been used from the kit we were renting and made a t-shirt
stand out of it. He'd promised Gords and Dutch that he wouldn't
forget it after the show, but of course he did. Gords isn't too
fussed at first, but Dutch will use any excuse to wage war on Lasse.
Of course, the tune changes in the camp when we think about the fact
we'll have to pay for the missing stand. Luckily though, one of the
other bands pick it up and bring it to the next show.
As instant karma, we pick up Nile's sound guy at a service station in the middle of the night, en route to the next show in Columbia Heights. He'd been forgotten by the Egypto Yanks as they'd gotten out for some nosh. Just drove off without him. He's pretty chilled about it though and spends the night with us on the RV. We make him up a bed for the night and share some beer with him. For once it's an easy night, we just sit around and watch a couple of horror films that John has bought.
couple of days earlier I'd been walking around Lawrence, Kansas in my
t-shirt, enjoying the sun. It came as somewhat of a shock when I
stepped out of the van in Columbia Heights to a blast of Arctic wind.
It was fucking raw here, the snow slicing through the air like
shards of glass. I remember going to look for a phone box to call
Jen back home, and when I found one could only bare to stand and talk
for a couple of minutes such was the cold. I wasn't really dressed
for the occasion to be fair, donning only a thin, spring jacket. I
hadn't really been prepared for the wildly differing temperatures on
this tour.
don't really remember much about the show, I think it was another
standard affair. The venue for the night was a big pool hall, or
what looked like one, but the tables must have been removed. It had
that feel about it anyway. It kind of reminded me of the place we
used to play in Corby, which was called The Venue, they used to hold
annual Battle of the Bands competitions there. Like this place, it
was a long, dark, carpeted room with white foam tiles in the ceiling
and a low stage at the end with a small wooden dance floor in front
of it. There were a fair few people in and I don't remember anyone
particularly hating us.
been making an effort to hang out with Lasse at the merch stall a lot
more these last few days. Which really, shouldn't have been such a
big fucking deal for us when I think about it. I get where he was
coming from when I look back upon it. The thing is, we'd paid his
flight for him and some of the guys in the band were of the opinion
he was here to work. Which of course, he was, but Lasse sometimes
seemed to be of the impression that he was here to merely sell shirts
for us whilst we were on stage, and then we'd all share the duty for
the rest of the night. I guess we should have got that all cleared
up before we came out on tour. The main problem is, nobody wanted to
hang out in the venue all night listening to death metal...least of
all Lasse. Things seemed to be smoothed out on that front now though
and we'd all been hanging out a lot more with him these last few
we'd played our set, some of us were hanging out in what was a foyer
room in the front of the building. Jay, John and Gords were playing
pool when some old black guy with grey hair, right cheeky looking
sod, approaches the table and puts his money down to play the winner,
which turns out to be Jay. As they break off the old guy suggests
they play for a round of drinks, which Jay agrees to, and then
proceeds to throw the game in what is the most blatant hustle I've
ever witnessed. Of course, he wants a re-match for “double or
quits”. Jay has of course clocked on, but to my amazement agrees
to play the guy again. I'm a bit shocked because Jay isn't normally
too chuffed to buy a round of drinks. By the second frame the old
guy has now obviously transformed into Ronnie O Sullivan and is
wiping the table clean. Just as Jay is starting to look a bit pasty,
unbelievably the old guy, in a horrid stroke of misfortune, knocks
down the black ball early, therefore conceding the game to Jay. We
all piss ourselves laughing and the old boy is fucking livid. He's
demanding another match but by now Jay is having none of it. Hustler
eventually grumbles his way to the bar and buys Jay a couple of Jack
and Cokes. The look on both their faces is priceless.
thing that highly amused me tonight involved Zanussi, the young
star-struck bass player in Nile. His girlfriend had turned up to the
show to hang out with her guy and his new band. Somewhat fucking
incredibly, the other guys in Nile had told Zanussi that the “no
non-Nile Triple A Pass holders on the bus” rule even applied to his
girlfriend. I have to say, I felt really sorry for him when I saw
the two of them sitting out the back of the club in the freezing
cold, perched on the curb behind the bus. They looked fucking
gutted. I told them they could hang out in our van if they wanted
but Zanussi assured me they were fine. Poor bastard. Living the
dream eh?
next show was in Chicago and it was a relatively short drive. Dutch
was driving through the night meaning we should have the day in the
city. I was really looking forward to it. Lasse and I had been to
the booze store and bought some beer for the journey, although we
were planning an easy night with a film or two. We'd bought a couple
of twenty four packs of some rancid “Lite” beer, purely because
it was insanely cheap. I think I got through about two cans before I
was forced to give in. It was absolutely foul and after half a
twenty four pack had been consumed, the entire gang was complaining
of headaches and a weird, acidic burning in the stomach. You get
what you pay for I guess...
settled down in front of a film with a cup of tea instead, although
Lasse was offering a bottle of Captain Morgan around. On this
occasion he had no takers though...
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Cabin Fever
The USA is a fucking big country. We'd
been travelling through the night from Seattle, slowly snaking our
way across Washington state and then Idaho, Dutch must have been
driving for twelve hours, and still we were nowhere near our end
destination. Dutch had rightly laughed at me when I'd asked him
where we were having our day off between Seattle and Denver...
I'm not sure how many breaks Dutch was
giving himself, but they were few and far between. I went to bed,
half drunk, with Dutch at the wheel, plodding through the night, I
woke up about eight hours later and it was if Dutch hadn't moved. He
just seemed to keep driving as if in some sort of a trance. Scary to
think about it in hindsight..
We spent the entire day flaked out in
the RV, watching wrestling films, watching the barren landscape drift
along, eating junk food and drinking coke in the morning, the odd
beer in the evening. Daylight became dusk and the journey rolled on.
We finally stopped for dinner in some small town called Twin Falls,
somewhere in Idaho. It was like walking out of prison when we
climbed out of the RV. Oh for some fresh air.. We were also in
desperate need of hot food, anything would have done. The fact that
Twin Falls had an outstanding Mexican restaurant was just a wonderful
It must have been around six pm by the
time we'd stopped. I asked Dutch when he was going to sleep, “Can't
sleep for long, we'll never make it to Denver for the show” came
the simple answer. I just pretended I hadn't heard that and headed
inside the restaurant. I hoped the Denver show was going to be worth
this fucking journey.
We were about two weeks in to the tour
and as usual some people in the band had been a little more flagrant
with their budget than others. Daz had managed to piss away most of
the money he'd brought with him and with there still being a week to
go until payday back home, he was now forced into being somewhat
thriftier with his bunce. We all sat down and ordered food, except
Daz, who just sat there quietly and drank the free tap water on
offer. As is the norm in the States, each plate of food ordered was
enough to fill a bear's stomach for a winter of hibernation and so
Daz ended up feeding on the sizeable scraps left by the rest of us.
The thing is, the daft cunt boasted upon leaving the restaurant that
his plan had worked magnificently. That fucked the rest of us off
big time and the fucker didn't get a crumb out of us for the rest of
the tour. I remember at one point later on Jay delightedly handing
over a half eaten plate of food to a waiter, waxing lyrical about how
good it was but that he couldn't possibly manage another morsel, all
before a drooling, famished Daz. Nothing like team spirit to get you
through the rigours of touring.
Considerably stuffed, we took a quick
walk in the cool evening air to help the food go down. Twin Falls
was exactly as it sounds, a little settlement next to a large ravine
with two waterfalls, although the river was dry and the falls were
little more than a trickle. It was a stunning sight all the same.
We stood there admiring it for twenty minutes or so before
reluctantly climbing back aboard the RV. There would be no partying
tonight, everyone was exhausted. And so Dutch rolled on through the
By the time we arrived in Denver it was
already dark. Thirty six hours we'd travelled to get here and we had
to load in as soon as we arrived since we were a little late. Denver
was another of those places I'd been looking forward to seeing since
it's not the kind of place I'm likely to end up on holiday. When I
come here as a tourist it's always New York or California, but places
like Denver still interest me and it was one of the destinations I'd
earmarked when we first got the tour dates through. Of course, as is
the fucking norm, the club we were playing was nowhere near the inner
city. It was just on some faceless long stretch of heavily
trafficked road that could have been anywhere. There was the odd bar
here and there but nothing of sightseeing interest.
The atmosphere within the entire
touring camp seemed a little subdued, which is hardly surprising
after the epic journey we'd made. Even Chris, Soilent Green's tour
manager, was quiet, and he's normally someone you can't beg to shut
up, constantly cracking jokes and taking the piss out of people,
normally us Limey's and specifically Gords. We loaded in and
afterwards slumped into the backstage room. The compulsory bottle of
beer was opened but drank with lacklustre.
The venue was quite a big place, with a
balcony looking down over the stage, and it was full of long haired
death metallers. Not a fucking chance tonight! I went to check on
Lasse who was sat reading a book by the merch table. He looked
pissed off. I guess this wasn't what he'd signed up for. I could
feel the strain between us. It's fucking hard when you're tour
managing your own band, trying to take care of everything, feeling
responsible for everyone and still trying to enjoy the tour yourself,
never mind put everything into the shows. I was starting to get
pissed off with the sour look on Lasse's face. I felt responsible
for him because he's my friend and I'd brought him along, and I could
feel it starting to cause tension within the ranks. This is what you
call cabin fever..
Of course to make things better, the
show fucking sucked. I could sense that the normal level of energy
and animosity we have was sagging significantly. We played to a near
full room but it was a room full of people standing there looking
like they hated us. In fact, some brave cunts on the balcony above
were spitting at us and throwing beer cans as we played. John
offered each and every one of them on stage but received no takers.
I would've loved to have seen that go down. I could tell by the look
in John's eyes that he was ready to kill someone. He has that look
every now and then..
Nile had a great show by the look of
it. I watched them for a while whilst drinking a beer I wasn't in
the mood for. They sounded half decent again and the crowd were
going wild. As privileged as I knew I was to be travelling around
this country, playing shows and getting paid and fed, I was starting
to wonder what we were doing with this band. I mean, we just seemed
to take any tour offer there was going, and maybe that was something
we'd have to think about in the future. As much fun as it could be
battling idiots in the crowd night in, night out, it could get to you
now and again, especially after and energy sapping journey like the
one we'd just made.
All the same, the drive to Omaha,
Nebraska was a breeze compared to that we'd just taken, and we'd
filled the bus with booze. Me and Lasse had gone to a nearby liquor
store and bought a case of beer and a bottle of Captain Morgan. On
top of that someone in the band had stumbled across a bottle of rank
tasting Slo Gin. I felt like getting fucking shit faced tonight.
The trouble is, I wasn't in the best of moods and that isn't a good
place to start when you're drinking copious amounts of booze...
We were travelling through the night
again, and we were all drinking like there was no tomorrow. The
music was blasting, Dutch constantly shouting at us to turn it down,
us ignoring him as we passed the bottles around. The beer was warm
and tasted like piss but nobody cared. And then a simple discussion
suddenly flares up into something way beyond reason.
Gords is one of my best friends and
sometimes it felt like it was the two of us taking most of the strain
for the band. Unfortunately this lead to the two of us bickering
every now and again. The trouble with this occasion is that we were
both pissed as farts. Gords starts on about the record label,
moaning and complaining about something or other. Standard stuff
really. But then I start to feel like he's turning it on me, having
a go for not being on top of things and fighting the label enough on
the band's behalf. This completely fries my piss since it seems I
spend my entire life trying to make this fucking band work. A light
bickering soon flares up in to a full blown argument and the two of
us are getting very emotional. And then a red mist comes over me and
I lose my mind for a brief moment. I'm sat at the lounge table,
penned in by Kev who is trying to hold me down, punching the fuck out
of a twenty four can box of beer, smashing my fist into it with all
I've got, screaming at Gords, “Why is it always fucking me? Why is
it always me that has to do everything for this fucking band?!” I
feel myself completely lose touch with sanity for a few seconds, as I
continue to pummel my fist into the cans of beer. Kev is trying to
calm me down as everyone else stands back looking on. Gords is by
now close to tears, Dutch is shouting at us, asking what the fuck is
going on. It all calms down as abruptly as it started and before
long we're all hugs and sorrys. I feel like a bit of a twat, but at
the same time justified in my outburst, although quite why I feel the
need to damage my own hand is beyond me.
After that the party is pretty fucking
dead and we all stumble to bed in sombre mood. Lasse, completely not
reading the situation, then thinks it funny to pull me out of my
upper bunk by my hair as he's on his way to bed. I go fucking mad,
telling him in no uncertain terms that if he does that again I'll
plant my boot firmly in his fucking coupon. The knob just lies in
his bunk, sounding upset, asking me if I'm serious, like he's really
hurt. Jesus Christ, I feel bad again now. Fuck this shitty night, I
need to sleep.
I wake up in the morning to find the
van is parked up by some roadside service station. I know things
are going to get weird between me and Lasse if we don't address last
night so I crawl into his bunk and give him a hug. And then I
go to Gords' bunk and we do the same. It feels better this morning,
as if the air has cleared somewhat. Maybe last night is exactly what
was required. Does good to blow the cobwebs off now and again.
Dutch is worried though. As we sit and share a coffee on a bench in
the parking lot he tells me he thinks we should stop drinking. He's
serious and all. I tell him we'll be ok, it's just the way we are
sometimes. He clearly has no understanding of where I'm coming from
though, he just shakes his head, “I thought you were the sensible
one!” “I am” I tell him, although I hear how half-assed it
We enjoy the rest of our black coffee
in silence...
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
The North West
Woke up feeling like absolute dog cack.
Three hours sleep, still pissed probably. If my conscience would've
allowed, I would have crawled down the aisle of the RV to Dutch in
his bunk and told him to forget the sight-seeing trip into Frisco.
But my conscience won me over.
It's always the way on tour. You have
an early rise booked in, with plans to actually do something other
than just travel in the van all day, something that is all to rare an
occurrence, and you piss all over those plans by drinking until the
sun comes up. I don't regret it on this particular day though. It's
not every night you get to see your drummer mistakenly suck your
merch guy's bobby. Everybody, except Gordon, was in a good mood
today, sleep deprived or not.
Once we got out of the van and inhaled
some Pacific air into our lungs, everything started to feel better.
We only had an hour or so to look around the city, and so we had to
choose what we wanted to see. I would have liked to have gone to
Haight/Ashbury as well as check Amoeba Records out, but was content
enough with the majority vote that decided we go down to the bay,
look at the seals and have a glance at Alcatraz out on that island.
We stopped for coffee first though, as functioning on any sort of
level without a caffeine fix would have been impossible.
The seals were cute and it was fun
watching them paddle about in the harbour waters, and Alcatraz was
cool enough, although from our standpoint a little imagination was
needed. By the time Dutch called time to leave, I was not for the
first time on tour, left feeling that I wished I was here on holiday.
We made the short drive over to
Sacramento, or actually Orangevale, which although Dutch said was
Sacramento, was actually Orangevale. When we pulled up outside the
venue, which was as usual in the middle of a nondescript nowhere, I
asked Dutch how long it would take to journey into Sacramento. “Oh,
well it's about twenty miles away.” Fuck sakes, sometimes this
country gets on my tits. Twenty miles away in USA terms apparently
equates to being in the same place. That's like me saying Corby is
actually in Leicester. Although why I'd want to say that I don't
know. So, that was that. We're stuck here in Orangevale, which
isn't Sacramento, with nothing to do but wait for Nile to get
soundcheck over and done with.
Today is the actually the first day we
have any contact with the Nile guys. Fat Jeff actually came out to
greet us on our bus. He seemed like a decent enough guy to be
honest. He asked it was ok to come aboard the disco bus and then
hung out for about ten minutes making half awkward small talk,
referring now and again to his band's poor effort in the mingling
stakes so far. He said something about them having a new bass player
and some in-band issues that had been niggling away at them and that
from here on in they'd be making a bit more of an effort to hang out
with everyone. He then made a few comments about our band, saying he
“digged it”, although it was painfully obvious that he didn't
have a fucking clue about us. I doubt very much he'd even seen us in
action yet. Still, nice enough of him to come over to us and make
the effort. Funny thing is, this would turn out to be the one and
only time any of us would have a conversation with Fat Jeff on the
A little while after Jeff has left, and
we're again going over the events of the night before, Chrissy walks
on to the bus. Or, actually, I should say, she shuffles onto the
bus, big duffel-coat wrapped around her but doing nothing to stop the
apparent chill raging through her being, eyes sadly dipped towards
the floor, looking like she's just been told she has a terminal
disease. We laugh at first, assuming she's insanely hungover, which
of course she is, but it turns out it's way worse than that. She
asks us if we've seen her rucksack. “No..... why? What's
It turns out that she has lost/had her
rucksack stolen somewhere between San Francisco and here. In that
rucksack was her laptop and even worse, all of the takings from
Decapitated and Hypocrisy's merch from the first week of the tour.
About ten thousand dollars apparently. My first reaction is TEN
THOUSAND DOLLARS!!! Fucking hell, we must have sold about two
hundred, tops. But that quickly subsides into a feeling of desperate
sympathy for Chrissy, sickly almost. We tell her that we're sorry
but we haven't seen it. She hangs out for a while, doing her best to
hold back the tears. The worst thing is, she hasn't told the bands
yet.. Dear Lord...
As soon as she's shuffled off again,
Kev and Lasse agree that they recall a very drunken Chrissy the night
before, opening her rucksack and showing them the bundles of cash
inside, as they were sat partying at the merch stall. It's all to
obvious that someone at the gig has been witness to this and taken
the opportunity. Some fucker is considerably better off this
morning, that's for sure!
I don't know how it plays out with
Chrissy and the guys, but they obviously come to some understanding
since Chrissy avoids getting the sack at least. Although the fact
that she's seeing the Decapitated guitarist probably helps. That is,
if she ever does indeed tell them. Whatever the case, we never hear
word of it again.
The club in Orangevale is much more to
our liking. It's a small club, the likes of which we played in San
Antonio. I think it's sold out at about two hundred and fifty. The
place looks more like a punk dive than most of the crap venues we've
been playing so far, which suits us down to the ground. Thankfully
for us, that actually translated to there being a healthy
punk/hardcore contingent in the crowd and it ended up being one of
the best, if not the best
show of the tour. The place was packed, the stage was small, and the
crowd went mental when we played. There was even stage diving and
mosh pits at points and we sold a bit of merch afterwards. What a
fucking contrast to last night, and the night before, and the night
before that..
from the gig, something else great happened on this night.
never known a bigger toilet enthusiast than Bloody Kev. I mean, I've
never known anyone who takes as much pleasure in the act of taking a
shit as Kev. He fucking loves it. He claims that when he worked at
Virgin Records, he could entice as many as seven a day out. He hated
his job so lucky for him he could break the day up with constant, and
productive, shit breaks. As well as he can seemingly produce a turd
at will, he can also hold on to one for a great length of time, in
anticipation of finding a worthy toilet to release it.
problem/quite frankly absurd phenomenon with rest-rooms (as they call
them) in that States is that a lot of the time the stalls don't have
doors on, and if they do then they most likely don't have a lock to
keep the door closed with. This is at least how I've experienced
this matter on the touring circuit. Just another quirky detail in
the make up of this generally insane country. Anyway, the toilet at
the club in Orangevale, although by no means anything you'd describe
as luxurious, did at least have a door with a lock. In fact, the
toilet itself was one big room with a door and a lock. Which is a
little weird in that the shitter and the urinal don't come as
exclusive items.. you get one, you get the other. Strange design
fault but there you go. Anyway, Kev, as is his routine, had checked
out the bog on arrival and had been looking forward to his toilet
visit since we'd got here, leaving it for a while to build up the
anticipation. You can imagine his fury then when as soon as he
finally calls time on it and sits down on the pan, some obnoxious
metaller bangs on the door, telling him to hurry up.
yeah,” an annoyed Kev responds, “I've just sat down, gimme a
minute.” Within twenty seconds the guy is banging on the door
again, shouting at Kev to hurry up. Big mistake. You don't not fuck
with Kev and his turd time. Kev responds in a way only he could. He
decided to wipe his arse and save the first piece of paper. With
this he plans to open the door and shove it into the annoying cunt at
the door's face. The thing is, when he opens the door he's faced
with some big heavy metal bastard who looks like he could eat Kev for
breakfast. Luckily Kev has the piece of shit paper hidden behind his
back. With what can only be described as an ingenious bit of quick
thinking, he stands aside and and welcomes the big metaller in, “It's
all yours mate”. As he does this he pats the guy on the back and
sticks the piece of shit paper to the guys leather jacket. And with
that he makes a sharp exit out of there.
Kev could possibly think of such an action, and justify it. The
thing that gets me is that this is before the show and the guy being
at the gig, he's bound to run into Kev again during the evening. And
unless he's really is as thick as he no doubt looked, he's bound to
realise that it was Kev who stuck the shit rag on his leather jacket.
Amazingly, Kev receives absolutely no back lash on the matter.
there were a few drinks drunk after the show, the night was
considerably calmer than that which preceded it. How could it not
be? Dutch was leaving early in the morning for the trip to Portland.
I had set my alarm to six am so I could get up and listen to the
Liverpool – Man Utd game on Dutch's internet radio. We got beat by
a late goal, robbed as usual. It was the game when that bastard Gary
Neville ran the length of the pitch to celebrate in front of the
Liverpool fans at the end of the game, almost causing a riot in the
process. Normally I'd complain that I wished I hadn't bothered
getting up at such a ludicrous hour to listen to the game, but not
this time. The scenery up in Northern Californian/Oregon was
beautiful, really beautiful, like Twin Peaks landscape. It was soul
soothing sitting up front with Dutch, having a deep conversation as
the sun came up and we drove through the forest firs that the highway
snaked through. I didn't even go back to bed after the game.
It was
the first time I'd really sat down with Dutch and talked to him, and
although I have to say he
definitely had his quirks (he probably
still hates Lasse over Coffeegate), I got an insightful look into his
life as we sat there and drank coffee together. It's a weird fucking
life being a tour driver, or any kind of long distance driver for
that matter. He told me about his wife and how much he was away from
home, how he missed her. I could understand how it must have been
for him... I enjoyed our long chat as everyone else slept. I still
don't get the wresting thing though...
We arrived in Portland a few hours
before doors and hung out with the Soilent guys for a while, again
going through the events of the night in San Francisco. After
hearing of Gordon's unfortunate act he had unanimously been elected
their favourite person on tour. They were having problems with the
Nile guys though, as were Hypocrisy. It seemed that Nile were
kicking up a fuss about the amount of merch Soilent had with them on
the road. They had told them that they weren't allowed to sell more
than three different design of t-shirt, which is absolutely fucking
ludicrous! It's bad enough that we all had to match their ridiculous
t-shirt prices as it is, but this was just purely taking the piss!
The Soilent guys were threatening to quit the tour. The Hypocrisy
guys were fucked off too because Nile were clamping down on their set
time, wanting them to cut ten minutes from it. This all seemed to be
strangely coincidental with the fact Soilent were most likely selling
more merch than Nile and a lot of people were leaving the venue's
after Hypocrisy were done..
I spent a couple of hours walking about
the nearby Portland streets. It seemed like a really cool place,
very laid back. Portland is of course drenched in punk and hardcore
history, with so many great bands coming from here. I'd found a
pretty cool record shop on my travels that sold mostly indie stuff.
I picked up a Trans Am record as well as the first Set Fire To Flames
lp. Ben from Soilent found this to be funny. I was pleased with my
purchases though. To be honest, it was just as well I hadn't found a
punk store since I would've most likely pissed away all my money in
The show tonight was a rather chilled
affair. The club was on the smaller side, the crowd of three hundred
or so not quite filling it out. We'd been taking the piss out of the
young guys in With Passion since they'd been having a laugh at Gords'
AC/DC t-shirt. Both our crew and the Soilent crew had slaughtered
them for that. It was all good fun, the little bastards. There was
quite an obvious clique appearing within the touring ranks. Compared
to the show the night before in Orangevale you'd have to say this gig
was a tame affair. We had a few people down the front that were into
it and there were no signs of aggravation from anyone. But
considering the crowd had a greater contingent of punk and hardcore
kids than most nights, it didn't kick off like I maybe hoped it
would. I guess it was an early night and most likely somewhere in
the beginning of the week. Who knows?
The funny thing is, Nile's stage
manager, who was this rowdy little guy who reminded me of Gords' dad
Moggy, had approached us before our set, a little sheepishly, and
asked if we'd mind cutting our thirty minute set to twenty five. You
could tell he felt bad and he was obviously getting shit from his
employers about stage schedules. We laughed when he asked, telling
him we'd be more than happy to oblige. Fuck, we'd cut it to twenty,
fifteen if he wanted! “Really? Are you sure?” he asked, taken a
back. “No fucking problems! The shorter the better mate, as long
as we're still getting paid the same!” we happily confirmed. “You
guys are fucking great! I love you!” And he did and all. From
there on in we became his favourite band on the tour, he just loved
the attitude. He shared with us his sacred nightly bottle of whisky
later on that evening, which was happily accepted. We'd just made a
new friend. And a pretty handy one at that. Not only that, their
tour manager, this quiet guy with a pony tail who seemed to lurk in
the shadows for the most part, offered us a crate of beer after the
show, straight from the belly of the Nile tour bus. “They get
loads and they never drink it anyway”.. Fuck me, what a winner!
Somehow we'd managed to swindle ten minutes off our set, and at the
same time set ourselves up with a steady supply of free booze and
beer from the Nile guys. Win-fucking-win!
We arrived early the next day in
Seattle, in the usual hungover state. We'd gone from the glaring
dessert sun of Arizona to the grey, chilled sky of the north west in
the space of a week. We must have experienced a drop of about
fifteen degrees in that time. The chilly Seattle air was exactly
what the doctor ordered though and Kev, John and I took a walk down
town to check out the Space Needle and some other sights. Again it
seemed like a nice place, kind of European somehow. We spent a
couple of hours walking around. I was impressed with John since he
isn't usually the type for long strolls. We had a good time walking
about though, just the three of us. It's nice to break away from the
bigger pack sometimes.
The venue tonight was another small
place, which always suited us down to the ground. It had a low stage
too, so there'd be a good chance of some crowd “interaction” if
anyone gave us shit. The in-house cuisine at this place was fucking
superb, as far as fat American junk-food goes. I ate the largest,
and tastiest jalapeño poppers I've ever had in my life at this
place. I swear I could fly back to Seattle just to taste them again!
It turns out it was a fun show anyway.
Jeff from Zeke had come down to hang out with us, I'd met him a few
years ago in Sweden and we'd been friends since. It was good to see
him, down the front, drunk and going for it with the rest of the mosh
pit. Good times. It was definitely one of the better shows on the
tour. Again, the smaller the crowd the better the show seemed to be
for us. There were probably no more than two hundred in tonight.
It's strange, for Nile the headlining band, that must have seemed
like a disaster but we were in our element. In all honesty though, I
even watched a bit of Nile later on, the first time for a while, and
they had a good show themselves. I even might say I enjoyed their
set, although that probably had a lot to do with the fact Lasse was
sharing a bottle of Captain Morgan with me and Jeff.
We ended the night back on the disco
bus with Jeff, passing around a bottle of Jager he'd bought for us.
It was one of those nights that we could have easily sat up until the
sun rose, getting pissed on anything we could find but we had to call
it curtains at around two am, unfortunately. Dutch was eager to
leave since we had a long journey ahead. I'd asked Dutch a few days
ago where we'd be spending our “day off” between the Seattle and
Denver shows. “In the van dude, it's like a thirty hour journey!”
came his exasperated response...
We said farewell to Jeff and the
Soilent Green guys, and headed east, into the early hours of the
morning. We'd be spending the next two days in the van...Luckily, we
had enough booze to see us through...
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Maximum RocknRoll!

Excerpts of my tour diary from the Black Breath/Victims/Tormented jaunt will be in November's edition of Maximum Rock n Roll. MRR is one of my favourite magazine's so it is a great honour for me to be included in it's pages.
Check it out!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
San Francisco
San Francisco is one of those places I
always dreamed of seeing one day. The Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz,
Haight Street, the original Amoeba Records etc.. I couldn't wait to
arrive in the city and see some of those famous sights. I was
chuffed that Dutch was driving through the night from Los Angeles so
that we'd have some time to check the city out.
My dad was an adolescent of the sixties
when San Fran had been the centre of the Flower Power movement and
the shining beacon of the Swinging Sixties. When Flower Power was
happening, my dad was working in the Steel Works in Corby, dreaming
of what life must be like on the other side of the world, over there
in California. Now I felt like I was living his dreams for him,
although the culture I was now involved in was pretty different to
his back then. I knew my dad would want a postcard from Frisco, so
besides the sights, that was top of my to-do-list when I arrived.
Of course, I've long since learned that
if you want guaranteed sight seeing then book a fucking holiday,
because most of the time when you go to these fantastic places all
over the world with a band, you end up seeing fuck all. As would be
the case on this occasion...
We stumbled out of the bus sometime in
the early afternoon, the lot of us hungover to piss. The first thing
I noticed is that it was a lot colder here than in LA. I guess it
was January and we'd travelled eight hours north, so it wasn't
so strange really. The bus was parked outside of the club which was
a nondescript building with a large parking lot out back, which was
actually were the show was going to be. On a stage, in the car park.
The show tonight was a coalescence of two tours. There would be the
six bands on our package plus Anthrax, God Forbid and Sworn Enemy.
We were all pretty chuffed to be playing with Anthrax, who were back
as the original line up with Belladonna on vocals. Kev, in
particular, was really buzzing. He loves early Anthrax. It had all
the tell tale signs of a big party night. Except for Jay, who had
come down with some illness. We'd originally assumed it was either a
hangover or jet lag, or both, but he really wasn't looking too good
and he spent the entire afternoon in bed in the van. It was touch
and go whether he was going to be able to make the show..
The point I was getting to though, is
that Jay didn't miss much. The venue we were playing could just as
well have been on the Earlstree's industrial estate in Corby. There
was nothing but warehouses and units to see around there. We were
actually on the other side of the bay from where the real San
Francisco was. I took a walk with a couple of the guys down to the
outskirts of the industrial estate we were on, which eventually led
us down to the water. From there we could just about see the
silhouette of the Golden Gate bridge, although it was so grey and
foggy a good deal of imagination was needed to confirm what we were
looking at. So this is Frisco eh? Great!
We trudged back to the venue a little
dejected and loaded the gear into the venue's compound. We soon
cheered up though when Dutch told assured me that he'd take us into
the city in the morning, since the next drive was only a couple of
hours. Nice one Dutchy! Considerably happier, we started on the
beer. Although the stage was out back in the large car park, the bar
and the merch area was inside the club house, or whatever it was.
Jay was still looking really pale and I was starting to worry about
him. I told him that he should just stay in bed and forget the gig
tonight, we'd be ok with just me on guitar, but he told me he wanted
to play. I was proud of him. With the way the shows had been going
on this tour I wouldn't have blamed him for taking the easy option
and fucking the gig off, but he wouldn't have it.
It must have been around six pm when we
took to the stage. It was still fairly light out and there was a
good size crowd already in through the gates. It seemed like word
had been spreading around the internet about us though, I can only
imagine the hordes of death metal nerds on message boards slagging us
off, as before we even started the set, in fact, before we even
strapped on our guitars, some young guy who looked like he was
straight out of Heavy Metal Parking Lot, shouted, “Fuck off back to
England you wankers!” H.M.P.L. looked chuffed as punch with his
witty remark. I looked over at a very pale Jay, hoodie tightly
wrapped around his face. The two of us just smirked at each other.
“Fuck me, we haven't even started yet!” laughed John as he got in
to anger mode.
We kicked the living shit out of that
stage. Tore the fucker apart. And apart from a couple of hardcore
kids down the front, no one gave a cack. This was the first show on
the tour where the boos started to come between songs, so to combat
the cunts we just left the amps to feedback loudly when we weren't
playing, Kev and John looking for a fight with anyone who wanted to
come near us. Good show...
The night did get considerably better
from there on in though. Kev was on top form. He was really chuffed
about seeing Anthrax with Belladonna and to enhance his mood further
he was throwing beer down his throat like it was going out fashion.
Apart from Jay, who went straight back to bed after the show, the
rest of us got on board with Kev. We hung out by the merch area for
most of the night, with Chrissy who was selling Decapitated and
Hypocrisy's merch, as well as the Soilent guys. It was just one of
those spontaneous nights that ended up being a lot of fun. It was
the first night that we'd properly hung out with a lot of the other
guys on tour. You could feel the ice melting, aided by the flowing
stream of beer and we were all in very high spirits, despite yet
another shit gig.
By the time Anthrax came on, we were
all pretty pissed up. Kev in particular. We were stood on this
porch at the back of the club house that overlooked the by now packed
parking lot, watching the first few songs of the Anthrax set. They
played a few classics and they were sounding good. As they went into
Keep it in the Family, a
large mosh pit erupted in front of the stage. I turned towards Kev
to comment on it, but before I knew it he was off. He'd hopped of
the porch and was now running full pelt into the mosh pit. I watched
him all the way in. He ran straight up to this big metaller and
clocked him right in the fucking chops! The metaller barely had time
to gather himself before Kev disappeared into the sea of mosh. Fuck
me you old bastard! I could barely believe what I'd just seen. I
stood there, watching the next couple of songs, wondering when Kev
would return and in what shape. He eventually arrived back at the
porch, with this really sad look on his face. “Some cunt stole my
cap...” he muttered to me. “Ha ha, serves you right you wanker!”
I laughed. Kev looked truly gutted...
partying continued after the show, long into the night. We all ended
up back at the merch stalls, Lasse and Chrissy having now become
friends. It seemed like everyone except for the Nile guys were on
the piss. Before long we were all chatting merrily to each other,
drinking shots and dancing.. At one point we were sat by Chrissy's
table, looking at some photos on her laptop. The Decapitated singer
thought it would be funny to draw a Hitler tash on a face on one of
the images. We all laughed our tits off when Chrissy went to wipe it
off only to find that he'd drawn it on with permanent marker. I
don't think he'd really meant it since he looked pretty guilty as
Chrissy went berserk at him.
night rolled on and on. By about three am Kev was absolutely steam
boats. You can always tell when he's fucked because he gets this
stupid grin on his face and his eyes are half closed, like he could
fall asleep at any moment. He wasn't falling asleep right now
though. He had his sights set on these two young, good looking
girls. We watched him hobble over to them and attempt to strike up a
conversation. They looked less than impressed. Kev was not to be
discouraged though and persisted with his line of approach. It
turned out that the two girls were actually a couple. We heard them
tell Kev that they weren't interested, that they were in fact
lesbians. “That's alright, I don't mind”, he reasoned. “Well
we do!” they replied sharply. As this truly classic conversation
was in motion, Gords had gone behind Kev and pulled his jeans down,
leaving Kev stood there in his boxer shorts with his jeans around his
ankles, stupid grin in tact. The girls just walked away shaking
their heads.
must have been four am by the time we rolled back into the bus, and
we were all pretty fucked. There was beer in the fridge though, so
we carried on drinking. Once again we had the old disco bus theme
going. Fuck knows how Dutch managed to sleep at all, if he in fact
then, the funniest thing I have EVER seen happened...
was by now off his tits and had the crazy look in his eye, the one he
gets when he's gone over the border. He got in to a daft argument
with an equally drunk Darren over something trivial and before long
the two of them were wrestling. Nothing serious. It went on for a
while and eventually Gords had Daz cornered in the bunk area. Daz
was recoiling into his bed, trying to escape the depraved clutches of
Gords, but to no avail. We were filming the whole thing as we
crowded round to see what was happening.
had crawled head first into his bunk, but Gords had pulled him back
by the belt and then ripped his jeans down. He then pulled Daz's
boxer shorts down and started slapping his bare arse, the whole while
shouting in mock American wrestling commentary, “Oh yeah! Here
comes the big slap down! Now he's gonna get it!” and the like.
And the like. This went on for a while, the lot of us pissing
ourselves. And then Lasse turned to me with an evil grin on his
face, “Watch this.” I filmed Lasse as he approached an oblivious
Gordon from behind.
of expected what happened next, least of all Gordon, the poor
bastard. Lasse pulls his cock out and starts slapping Gordon on his
left shoulder with it. Gordon is still bent over Daz, slapping his
arse when he feels something from behind. In a blurry instant, Gords
turns around, mouth wide open as he continues with his American
commentary. Lasse's cock goes straight in to Gordon's gaping pie
hole! All the fucking way in! And it's all caught perfectly on
face turns white as a ghost and his eyes roll in horror. Lasse, who
can't believe what just happened, falls back pissing himself
laughing. And then the laughter erupts in the bus like a volcano.
We're all laughing so hard that a few of us are crawling around on
all fours, crying and choking. Gordon is fucking horrified! Lasse
comes trundling back to me, crying with laughter, “Fuck me, I
wasn't expecting that!”
first thought is to show Jay the film. The poor bastard is lying in
his bed, trying to sleep off the illness, unaware of what's happened.
I wake him and tell him he has to see this film. He begs me to
leave him alone, that he'll see it in the morning. I promise him it
will be worth his effort though, “Mate, if I only ever beg of you
one thing, then it's this, you must see this film right now!” He
reluctantly crawls out of his hard bed and wipes the dust from his
eyes. Within seconds Jay is rolling around on the floor with the
rest of us, sick with laughter. I've never seen him so happy.
absolutely gutted, decides he has to call his girlfriend Katy and
confess what he's done. Fuck knows why but we don't hinder him. I
guess Katy is at work or something since it's the middle of the day
back home and is not expecting to hear from her lad. “Katy, I
think I'm a gay!”. Holy shit, we all puke up laughing again.
the film has now been erased. In it's place is just a blacked out
bit of film, where you can hear Gordon in the background
exasperatedly asking us, “Why is it always me?”. We begged him
to let us keep the film but it was not to be. Although the image is
branded into my memory anyway.
was able to see the funny side of it shortly afterwards. We have him
on film a little while later, singing Phil Collins, his head rolling
insanely about his shoulders. Every now and again he looks in to the
camera and says, “I'm sorry dad. I'm sorry big man!”
stomach was in agony when I finally went to bed, sometime around six
am. Dutch was going to drive us into the city around nine so we'd
have a couple of hours to do some sightseeing. Have to get that
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