Well, what a start to 2010. I finally got home on the Monday evening. We had left Amsterdam Sunday morning. I spent all day Sunday in the van, hungover, feeling like shit! The Saturday night had been full on. The three weeks preceeding it had been hard work, but a shit load of fun.
It was wonderful to finally get through my door on Monday and have my dog Bonzo waiting for me, wagging his tail. We went out straight away and played in the snow with his favourite red rubber ball. Jen came home a few hours later and we lay on the sofa watching Mad Men. Life back to normal in a heartbeat..

Touring with the Municipal guys was an absolute blast. I made some really great new friends during those three weeks together in Europe. Talk is that we're going to reunite in the future, on the other side of the pond.
I took a load of photos along the way. You can check them out by clicking
I won't be updating the blog every day for the immediate future, I need a break. I'll be writing about stuff when something interesting happens that ammuses me, or severely pisses me off. So it won't be long until I'm back. I'll be continuing the archives section in the near future too.
See you soon,
Gareth x
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